Also known as hair plugs or hair grafts, hair implants for men is one surgical method used to restore hair. The hair is our 'crowning glory' and a lot of men prefer this permanent solution over years of painstaking rituals that prescription drugs and topical solutions entail. Problem is, the procedure is quite expensive and can have painful recovery period.

Understanding Hair Implants for Men

Doing hair implants for men/ involves getting healthy hair follicles, usually from the posterior section, into the balding area of the head. The implanted hair will continue to grow in years, and have a remarkable effect on making a man's head look full again. With the introduction of microsurgical techniques, hair implants for men are now trouble-free-less the cutting and scarring. Body hair is also sometimes used as filler when there is not enough on the head. It may not have the same properties as the scalp hair, but they blend in well with the rest of the hair depending on the expertise of the surgeon and the body's reaction to the operation.

Do Hair Transplants Work?

The answer lies on whether you have enough healthy hair follicle left to use as donor. Cases of hair loss that include alopecia areata or the bald patches on the head, and androgenetic alopecia or hereditary baldness, usually leave the sides and back of the head unaffected, making the patient qualified to undergo the procedure. However, if your hair loss is not the same as those mentioned previously, or is caused by other conditions such as infection and nutritional deficiency, you ought to see a dermatologist first before consulting a /hair transplant NYC doctor.

The pros and cons of hair implants for men are among the determining factors in deciding whether or not a ccheap hair transplant is worth the cost. There are many other alternatives that men can consider to combat the signs of hair loss, and while they may be cheaper, results are not to be underestimated. While hair loss is at its early stage, there is still hope. But when funds are not an issue and all other remedies are to no avail, then hair implants for men should not be given a second thought.

Before trying any hair loss remedy procedures/products, make sure you understand the pitfalls but also the expected results. For the most up to date information, please visit cheap hair transplant.